

  1. Demolish and remove failed asphalt areas in existing drive
  2. Remove any failed GAB in patch areas
  3. Apply and Compact new GAB to grade in patch areas
  4. Sterilize all GAB areas and hairline cracks in asphalt with herbicide to prevent new growth
  5. Apply hot oil tack bonding agent to existing asphalt
  6. Apply and compact new hot mix asphalt


Not every project is difficult, and for the Spalding Concrete crew this can be a blessing. This particular project is one such project. The driveway was in rough shape, as it had been many years since any maintenance had been performed to it, but in such a way that we could still use the existing drive as a viable base for a recap. We first addressed some severe areas that required the demolition and removal of the existing asphalt and GAB. Once those areas were addressed, our team began to replace the GAB to the grade of the remainder of the drive. These areas, along with the remainder of the hair line fractures, were then sterilized with herbicide to prevent any additional plant growth that could compromise the new asphalt overlay. Once these areas were prepared and ready, we then applied a hot tack bonding agent to the existing asphalt, and laid a 2" hot mix asphalt overlay.
